Written by Ashley Colvin, NOCK Wellness Practitioner
How we show up in the world has everything to do with our energy, our perspective, and our circumstances. We have all heard how beneficial it is for us to stay active in our lives in order to be healthy. Sometimes we’re totally into it and other times not so much…it can be tricky to discern the underlying reasons why we may or may not be giving it our all.
As an energy leadership expert, I thought I’d put exercise through the lens of energy. Because, where you put your energy is where you create change. This is based on the work of Bruce D. Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).
Below are some brief thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of each energy level, so you can identify how you’re showing up when it comes to exercise.
The first step in changing anything in our lives is being aware of where we are right now.
Then you can decide to move to another level if that’s what you want.
Level 1:
Thoughts/Feelings: Why bother trying to exercise? I don’t even know where to start! I’m so out of shape, I’m not sure it’s possible to ever change. I never have any time for fitness in my busy life. I have no energy and I’m just so tired all the time. What’s the point? Every time I tried, I failed.
Behavior: Apathy and helplessness get in the way of even trying. At this level, we are already defeated and can’t see our options. Our energy is low and unmotivated, we’re disengaged from our bodies.
Level 2:
Thoughts/Feelings: I hate my body! It doesn’t look or move the way I want it to. Lisa’s body is perfect, I bet she doesn’t even have to work that hard. Society’s standards are the problem…I’ll show them!
Behavior: Using anger as fuel when it comes to exercise. Exercise can also be used as punishment for making a “bad choice” with eating, etc. At this level, it’s easy to exercise too hard or too long. The pace and frequency of exercise are too much to sustain. Eventually, there’s a breaking point either due to injury, exhaustion, or illness when the body just can’t keep up with demands.
Level 3:
Thoughts/Feelings: I can do this exercise! It’s kind of uncomfortable, but at least I know it’s working. It’s been so hard to fit movement into my routine, but it’s good for me.
Behaviors: At this level, we accept responsibility and can take action. We can release the negativity we’re feeling with rationalization. This advantage allows us to continue what we’re doing, even if we’re feeling uncomfortable.
Level 4:
Thoughts/Feelings: True compassion and excitement for others achieving their goals. Wow, I can see how hard Jennifer worked to build up the strength to lift 30lbs! How about I see what Amy is doing tomorrow, maybe we can go for a hike together, I know how much she would love that.
Behaviors: Cheering others on as they reach their goals truly feels like a win. Sharing race events, classes, or other activities with those who would love them.
Level 5:
Thoughts/Feelings: There are so many active things I love to do, I have trouble picking just one! Even if I’m out running and have to walk more often than usual, I’m still loving the experience. I love inviting my friends to join me.
Behaviors: Sees tons of possibilities, so much so it’s sometimes hard to choose one. Invites others to join in on what they’re doing: going for a hike, yoga class, etc. Feels at peace.
Levels 6 & 7:
Thoughts/Feelings: There is joy and absolute passion around moving the body. There is no right or wrong way to do it, only the way that is best for YOU. Movement is meditation and a spiritual experience.
Behaviors: No longer see exercise as separate from the whole of your life, instead it is integrated into your life. Feeling joy and passion as you move your body through the world in ways that sometimes speed up and sometimes slow down your heart.
What’s really awesome about these levels is that we’re never just in one level, we shift between them constantly throughout each day…and there are even strategies to help make the shift! None of them are better or worse than the others, as they all have their advantages and disadvantages.
If you’re curious to learn more about the levels, or how to work with the energy level that you connected with the most, sign up for a 15-minute discovery call!
Ashley (Ash) is a seasoned Certified Professional Coach of iPEC, one of the most highly regarded and respected institutions recognized by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She is certified as an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) and she is an Associate Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation. In addition to her credentials, Ashley has extensive coaching experience in both group and private formats. She is an outdoor enthusiast, writer, self-proclaimed hippie wannabe, lover of adventure, and mother of two incredibly joyful kiddos.